Cappadocia — Read — Travelynn


Why Cappadocia should be the new EATPRAYLOVE (Cappadocia photos)

Why Cappadocia should be the new EATPRAYLOVE (Cappadocia photos)

I’ve been in a bit of pensive mood lately, work has been overwhelming and nobody, including myself seems to be truly happy anymore. So, I’ve decided to reminisce and maybe think of ways in which I could be happier. As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, edit a bunch of photos in Lightroom and write a list. So here’s a list of reasons why Bali is no better than Cappadocia when it comes to getting over an ex, dealing with some nasty sh*t, or when you’re just done with life*.

*disclaimer, I have never actually read Eat Pray Love because its cliché and dumb and I cry easily.