V&A Waterfront

What to do in Cape Town?

The Victoria and Albert waterfront is the oldest working harbour in South Africa. It is also home to the gateway of Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held captive. But because we are Singaporeans with no interests in historically significant events, we didn’t make the trip there (for those who don’t speak fluent sarcasm, we just didn’t have time to go).

V&A waterfront is also home to some of the freshest seafood, Pa says that the best mussels he has ever eaten would be here. Some of the restaurants have a pretty good sense of humour too.

The alledged best mussels in the world Pa has eaten can be found at Harbour House on the V&A Waterfront. We just stumbled in. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures because I was too hungry and ate everything before I realised what I had done. I would really recommend the seafood platter though, it was about 15SGD for a grotesque amount of food.

It’s a really nice place to chill and just walk around.

So yes, I would really recommend the V&A waterfront as a place to just realx and have a wander. The shops were a little bit pricey but we were more interested in the 15sgd seafood platters so it didn’t really bother us. Yumz.