
Bhutan— a quick introduction and beginner’s guide

Bhutan— a quick introduction and beginner’s guide

Bhutan has many names, the last Shangri-La, the land of the thunder dragon, the land that time forgot, the world’s happiest country... Its a little bit like Khaleesi in Game of Thrones, call it whatever you want, but its pretty awesome. Bhutan has also become the next place to be if you want to do some soul-searching or stare dramatically in the distance. If the unique culture and interesting history can’t do the job for you, Dzongs and amazing scenery can also make for a good #OOTD background. I mean, if that’s all you’re looking for when travelling. Not judging.

Here’s my introduction to Bhutan and a quick guide on how to get there!

Raja Ampat—an introduction to the most beautiful islands on the planet

Raja Ampat—an introduction to the most beautiful islands on the planet

Heaven is real and you can find it in Raja Ampat—an introduction to the most beautiful islands on the planet. 
As a travel writer, one of the questions you get asked most often is where is your favourite place in the world. Since my virgin experience in June 2015, my answer has always been the same, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. I cannot begin to express my excitement and love I have for this place. It’s easy to see why—the landscapes are spectacular and like no other, the waters impossibly blue and the sand, a blinding shade of white. However, it is the soul of Raja Ampat that draws me in. The pureness of its landscape and its people, untouched by the crass hands of technology. Life here is simple, unadulterated and as it should be.